Monday, August 10, 2009

LeArNiNgS & DiScOvErIeS w/ cErTaiN ChaLLeNgEs

I'm on my fourth year in high school and what I know and learned in the past years are not yet enough. Now that I'm on my last year in high school, I hope to learn and discover more things. In the first quarter, I learned about the history of the Internet, the uses of the Internet, search engines and advantages of blogs to students. I also discovered on how to make my own blog and to belong to a yahoo group.

At first, I didn't know what I'm going to do and how should I do on that certain thing. I didn't know before if how do I make my own blog and others. Sometimes, I can't do our activities on time. I find it hard to memorize the history of the Internet before. And the biggest problem is I can't manage my time well in doing such activities.

I surpassed these challenges by helping myself to understand more our lessons. I scheduled my time in doing activities. I become more patient to review well our lessons and managed well my time and avoid cramming of our activities.

Moving on, I will be more patient, work harder in making such activities.

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